The Human Touch
pathways to well being with Carol Halstead

My intent is to give people tools to feel better
Shiatsu Therapist
Carol is a certified Ohashi Shiatsu therapist
practicing since 1992
Carol has been teaching Hatha Yoga
through the Sivananda Lineage since 1995
She received advanced certification
in 1999 in Neyar Dam, India.
She has taught Yoga for Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers,
Equinox Fitness and Chelsea Piers Sports .
Also the acting companies of The Chautauqua Theatre Company,
The Denver Center Theatre,The Shakespeare Theatre
and The Cleveland Playhouse.
She received Vipassana-Mindfulness training
at the Insight Meditation Society (Barre,Ma)
and the Panitarama Monastery,(Yangon,Burma).
Her teacher:Sayadaw Upandita
Carol also practices as a Third Degree Black Belt in Seido Karate
and is an Ordained Universal Life Minister

what people say who have worked with Carol
"I have been lucky enough to work with Carol for both Yoga class and Shiatsu massage a number of times in the last ten years. Carol met me where I was, always; she intuited the physical and spiritual needs I brought into the room, and approached them with empathy. From a physiological standpoint, Carol helped me alleviate pain and increase flexibility as I recovered from two thoracic surgeries.
And from an energetic and psychological standpoint,
she helped me re-learn to trust my body.
I will always feel at home working with Carol! "~Katie M~
"I have had many shiatsus from Carol over the past 25 years beginning with my first one on my wedding day. I leave each session more at peace. More relaxed. More present and more content. The experience is always a little like floating free of all ones worries for a little while. Heaven on earth. "
~Carolyn McCormick~
"As a shiatsu client of Carol's, I have nothing but love and admiration to show for the incredible art that is a full session. I work in technical theatre, so I am constantly battling aches and pains, and through the care and concern for each component of the body Carol is able to make me a whole new person by the end of one session....". Peace, Blessings, and Health. "
~Justin S.~
“I have been with Carol for several years. I look forward to my Shiatsu massages with her loving hands. It is not always easy as so many feelings come up as we go through the process. She capably holds me both physically and emotionally and I am grateful for her kind, safe presence and her loving support. " ~M~
"Carol is a deeply knowledgeable and conscientious practitioner who is absolutely meticulous in providing not only a deeply therapeutic massage
but also a lovely aesthetic experience
that is spiritually grounded.
Carol truly treats the Whole Person!
I have known Carol for almost 30 yrs (!) and have been treated by her countless times and I always come away feeling unlocked, freed up and with my energy flowing." ~Francesca Beghe~
"I have been privileged to be a client of Carol's for the past 25 years. Through all the years, whenever some physical injury or stress needed attention and shiatsu healing, Carol has been there to attend to it, helping me to live in a body that is agile, flexible and moving with ease."
~Michael R.~
"Carol is an excellent Shiatsu massage therapist! I love her technique, holistic approach, and keen insight. Whether it’s for a relaxing treat, or targeting pain, I’ve always found a session with Carol to be highly beneficial, and her warm,
caring spirit a real pleasure."
~Anney G.~
2018 Carol Halstead